Currently Browsing: Tweens, Teens and Screens 7 articles
Our Kids and Social Media: Can One Survive Without the Other?
What came first…the chicken or the egg? This has been an unanswered question floating for generations. Actually, you can get an answer, but it will always be different depending on […]
Is Your Child Talking to a Stranger Online (Part 2)
Last month we discussed the reality that your child may be talking to a predator online. This month I want to teach you the behavior signs you may see in […]
Is Your Child Talking to a Stranger Online (Part One)
We all remember when our parents warned us “not to talk to strangers.” For those of us north of 35, that mostly meant we were not to talk to someone in person we did not know. Or do not talk to someone who approaches you that your parents do not know. Today this takes on a whole different meaning.
Is Your Child Talking to a Stranger Online (Part One)
We all remember when our parents warned us “not to talk to strangers.” For those of us north of 35, that mostly meant we were not to talk to someone […]
Devices as Christmas Gifts… What You Need to Know
Christmas is here! I feel like we were celebrating last year’s Christmas, well, yesterday. Time sure does fly. I think being a parent immediately puts all of us in a […]
How the Social Media “Popularity Contest” Affects Our Kids
I don’t know about you, but middle school was hard. I’m talking “you couldn’t pay me enough money to do it again” hard. These are the years when young people […]
Words Matter… Even Online!
Words matter. They are the cornerstone of our everyday lives. What we say and how we say it has so much impact on our lives and the lives of others. […]