A.R.P.A. State Archery Tournament
Admission: Free for non-participants
Entries: A.R.P.A. Affiliates may enter an unlimited number of participants,
Only persons whose name are approved on their Affiliate’s official ARPA roster and who meet all ARPA eligibility requirements and who are representing an affiliate not on current suspension may compete in ARPA archery. Affiliates must send registration information to host 10 days prior to the State competition (August 4, 2021). Archers may only enter “Open Class” or “Bare bow”, not both.
Bare bow (no sights, stabilizers, or release aids) must have less than 30-pound draw weight.
Entry Fee: $15 per Archer; Make checks payable to the Department of Leisure Services.
Awards: Awards will be presented to the 1st through 3rd Place individual boys and girls in each age group in bare bow and open class.
For more information, please contact Roy Kitts at 334.615.3700 or via email at rkitts@dothan.org.