
Mom to Mom with Cindy Spivey

wiregrass mom cindy spivey

Tell us a little about you. Family, careers, hobbies, fun facts! Go all out!

CS: I am from Georgia but moved to Alabama as a young child with my mom and sister after losing my father to cancer. I graduated from Wallace College with an Associate’s Degree in Nursing. I worked as an RN for Flowers Hospital for five years before starting a family.
My husband Nathan and I met at Flowers Hospital while caring for a patient together; it was a real Grey’s Anatomy situation. He is an Anesthesiologist with Dothan Anesthesiology Associates.

We were married a little after a year of dating and quickly started a family, having our twin daughters Harper and Hayden (8) just ten months later. We welcomed our third daughter, Nellie (3), five years after the twins, thus completing our family of five.

As a stay-at-home mom, what are some things you find challenging? What about extra rewarding things?

CS: As a stay-at-home mom, it is challenging to find time for myself. Everything I do is either for my family or tending to our home. As a result, I rarely have adult conversations. However, I have the privilege of being present for my children’s activities and volunteering my time with class parties and their dance endeavors. If my children let me, I will be present for every event possible.

You mentioned you are a ‘Dance Mom’ and that the twins have been dancing for the last six years with the Dothan School of Dance. Why did you decide to enroll them so young, and what do you think has been their most significant takeaway from the program?

CS: I chose to put Harper and Hayden in dance because it teaches children how to express themselves and follow instructions at a very young age. It helps them gain confidence and face their fears through performing on stage. I plan to enroll my youngest in the fall for her first year.

What do you love most about being a mom to only girls?

CS: Being a mom to girls is a dream come true. Some days I feel like a kid playing dress up with my dolls all over again. I love that my girls will grow up with sisters to be there for them through all life’s challenges. I grew up with one sister who means the world to me, and I am so thankful that my girls will have that support system in each other.

Creativity should be cultivated. How do you do this with your children?

CS: I encourage my children to find things to do besides TV and iPad time. Too often, they are overwhelmed by everything in their day-to-day lives, so I remind them to slow down and sit outside for a bit. Once, they spent an hour making a salad for ants out of blades of grass and random items found in nature.

You shared that you are enrolled at Troy to obtain your Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and desire to pursue becoming a Nurse Practitioner. As a mom pursuing a degree, how do you balance it all? Also, what tips would you have for other stay-at-home moms wanting to go back to school?

CS: College as an adult has been much more rewarding and manageable.However, finding time to study can take time and effort. I spend the few hours I have in the mornings while my youngest attends the Montessori school to study. When my children are home, I try to focus my time around them, homework and dinner, and do as much around the house before bedtime. That way, I can focus on schoolwork after I get everyone in bed.

Why did you decide to pursue healthcare?

CS: I chose healthcare because I enjoy caring for people. In addition, I wanted to find a job anywhere the world might take me. I plan to become a nurse practitioner and return to work once my children are older.

What was the single best thing that happened to you or your family in 2022?

CS: As a family, we traveled to Montana for vacation for a week. It was one of the most beautiful places we have ever seen. You can drive for miles and miles and never see a home or building, just beautiful mountains and prairies.

Moving into the New Year, what suggestions or tips would you give moms trying to get organized?

CS: With multiple children, I have to keep a calendar for everything. For me, I use my phone calendar and set alerts for everything!

If you could go back and give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

CS: We have all been born into a life of trial and tribulation. So, don’t change a thing. Everything in my life has taught me a lesson that has made me who I am today.

Cindy Spivey is a stay-at-home mom of three girls and has been married to her husband, Nathan, for nine years. The family loves to travel outside of Dothan to see extended family.

Author: Staff

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Mom to Mom with Cindy Spivey

by Staff time to read: 3 min